Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Benjamin Linus

Reasons to love Benjamin Linus:

-I know I'm not the only one who thinks he's sexy, even if I'm the only one who will admit it.

-He's gotta be the most beaten character in television history. Practically ever other character has beaten him at least once.

-He's attracted to women who are smart, but not very good socially, which kinda fits me.

-Okay, he's hilarious. Let's give it up for Ben. One of my favorite scenes of the show is when Ben is captured by Locke and Locke gives him rabbit for dinner, and Ben asks, "did this have a number on it?"

-He knows a crapload about the island and could finally answer some of my questions.

-Ben is a compulsive liar, but any time he gives "his word", he holds to it, no matter what.

-He has secret rooms in his secret rooms.

A funny, sexy badass? There's nothing better.


  1. Shay, I love your blog. Didn't know you were such a Lost fan. I miss it terribly and feel like I'm in mourning.


  2. Thanks! Lost is one of my alltime favorite shows! I miss it too and the finale devastated me!
