Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Miles Straume

Reasons to love Miles (there are some serious Lost spoilers ahead):

-His dad is Pierre Chang, the awesome DHARMA video guy

-He's grouchy and sarcastic, some of my favorite qualitites

-He can speak to the dead (sort of)

-He'd likely be a multi-millionaire after leaving the island since he stole Nikki and Paulo's diamonds. (I certainly don't need a guy to have a money, but it never hurts!)

-He's very handy with duct tape.

-In his version of heaven/purgatory, he's a cop. So he likes rules, which I am obsessed with. I've maybe broken 2 rules in my whole life and that could be an over-estimate.

-He was born on the island, which is awesome. We could maybe go on vacation there and visit Smokey and the polar bears.

-The gray in his hair is super sexy!
Sidebar: Dear men, it is unfair that gray hair makes you sexier. Women with gray hair tend to look old and tired. Not cool.

-He has never taken off his watch, as far as we know, so he's probably pretty punctual. People who aren't are a pet peeve of mine.

-He gives people nicknames, just like Sawyer, which is a charming quality.

-He seems to understand the time travel on the island, so maybe he could explain it to me!

I'd be stuck on the island with this curmudgeon anytime!

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