I am aware that Ted is a fictional character, but to me, he's still my dream guy.
Reasons to love Ted:
-Ted is smart, and I can even get past the stupid way he says 'encyclopedia', mostly because I don't know how often that word would ever come up in conversation.
-He has a robot cookie jar named 'R2 Sweet Tooth'. Is that not the cutest thing ever?
-He loves dogs, so he could handle me being the crazy dog lady that I am.
-He loves Ghostbusters. Bill Murray? Enough said.
-He's sweet and one of the very few guys left in the world that isn't sleazy.
-Can bust out intense speeches on a seconds notice.
-And so much more!
Anyway, Ted Mosby is my perfect guy, and you better believe that if he were real, I'd be tracking that guy down.
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