Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dominic Monaghan

I've been really busy these last few days, so I haven't updated. But as a special treat (to all 2 of my readers) I'm going to do a series today. In honor of the finale of Lost (which left me devastated), I will be doing people/characters from that show that I would love to marry.

Reasons to love Dominic Monaghan:

-Has a completely charming accent that melts my heart

-Kept a pair of his hobbit feet from LOTR (one of my faves)

-Writes on his hands, just like Charlie, and just like me.

-Is one of the most charming characters on Lost

-Obsessed with video games

-Good at impressions

Possible Deal Breaker:

- LOVES bugs. Seeing as I am completely terrified of bugs, that might be a deal breaker.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I like u shay ur a really cool girl. Everything on ur profile relates to me...except the 20 year old thing. Charlie is and has been without a doubt my fav chatacter on lost and the real him, Dominic Monaghan, is an awesome dude with the best sense of humor in the world!!!! Watching
    him die on lost made me cry for three days straight...but u just made me feel better for relating with me through Dom (He goes by Dom). Thank u Shay :)
